Why Managers Don’t Get Training

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

We know that unskilled managers make mistakes that have a negative impact on employee morale, customer service, and production. The problem: Many managers are not given management training.

Although 56% of human resources managers consider training and development essential for business, according to statistics posted by the Lorman Team:

  • 59% of managers who oversee one to two employees report having no training at all.
  • 41% of managers who oversee three to five employees report having no training.
  • Nearly 50% of managers with over ten years of experience claim they’ve only received about nine total hours of training.
  • 43% of managers who have been in their role for less than a year say they’ve had no training.

Let’s consider some possible reasons:

  1. Upper management’s assumption that managers already have the skills they need.
  2. Budgetary considerations and limitations.
  3. Managers are unwilling to spend time in training.
  4. Production concerns that take priority.
  5. Lack of upper management support for training.
  6. Training hasn’t been convenient for the managers’ schedules.
  7. Lack of access to training.
  8. Previous experience with training that was more theoretical than practical.
  9. Geographically dispersed worksites make centralized training problematic.
  10. An aversion to the idea of training.
  11. Misconceptions about what training content or methods involve.
  12. Mistrust of training or trainers.
  13. Managers’ beliefs that they have the skills they need.
  14. Lack of credibility on the part of the trainers.
  15. Fear of a lack of confidentiality during training.
  16. A concern about work piling up while the manager is in training.
  17. Previous training was ineffective because it lacked reinforcement or follow-up.

What would make a difference?

  1. If the training content was practical, reflected best practices, and was consistent with the organizational culture and issues.
  2. If the trainers were credible.
  3. If the training was available just-in-time.
  4. If the training method was comfortable and non-threatening.
  5. If the training was scheduled at the convenience of the managers.
  6. If the training took a short amount of time.
  7. If the training happened in the flow of work.
  8. If the training was virtual.
  9. If the training was self-directed so it could remain entirely confidential.
  10. If the training was reinforced after the session.

Question: Can your organization live with the consequences of having unskilled managers?

If you would like to know more about management training that would make a difference, schedule time to talk with Deborah Laurel of The Peer Learning Institute: https://bit.ly/314ztux

#managementdevelopment #managementtraining #effectivemanagementtraining



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