Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing focus on integrating peer-coaching, a form of peer learning where two or more students work together during a placement in the work integrated learning environment. While a range of studies describe the general benefits of peer coaching, there is a gap in the literature identifying the best practices of experienced Educators who use peer coaching in their daily practice of working with students . Educators are often looking for further guidance and resources on how to integrate peer coaching into their placement models.
As a result of this gap in the literature and need for further resources, we undertook a research project that aimed to capture the best practices of 31 Clinical Educators who utilize peer coaching as part of clinical placement strategy. The project has produced two free evidence-based resources for Clinical Educators. Although, supervisors in sectors other than health would also find the resources helpful. The first is a comprehensive review of the literature in support of peer coaching, specifically noting some of the supervisory practices reported in the literature. It then describes the outcomes of the research and the best practices of supervisors at critical key points of the work integrated placement. I have attached a copy of this guidebook and the direct link to the site on the Curtin University website.
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