It’s not easy to move from a contributing role to the role of manager. The technical skills you’ve developed in your position do not automatically transfer into your new role. As a matter of fact, you need an entirely new set of interpersonal and management skills that can take time to develop.
In his article: Rethinking new-manager development: An operating system to support success, Art Petty offers five cautions. The Peer Learning Institute provides just-in-time skill development and reinforced on-the-job practice in the skills needed to avoid these traps.
- New managers often fall into micromanaging as they insert themselves into their staff’s work. They need to learn how to delegate appropriate levels of responsibility and authority, and then use the least invasive way to hold their staff accountable. Feeling Comfortable with Delegation builds these skills.
- New managers need to establish trust with their staff. Trust typically takes a long time to develop, which new managers don’t have. However, The Power of Persuasion teaches them how to use six decision triggers that have been proven to lead to instant trust.
- New managers need to know how to adapt their communication approaches to the needs of the individuals under their supervision. This requires the managers to take time to get to know their staff members’ communication styles and preferences. Getting to Know the Big Five and Interpersonal Communication offer two different equally effective approaches.
- New managers need to avoid tunnel vision, where they focus on their area of responsibility and create a silo that ignores the rest of the company. The Peer Learning Group process involves managers at the same level of authority from throughout the company in a collaborative learning environment. As they share their experience and learn together, they develop strong working relationships that lower siloes.
- New managers may focus on daily staff responsibilities and forget to show them how their work fits into the purpose and goals of the entire organization. Starting With the Big Picture and Talking About the Big Picture can both help them to see and communicate the broader picture.
New managers need many other management and interpersonal skills, but a focus on these five areas is a good place to start. Participating in a peer learning group gives new managers the knowledge, skills, and on-the-job practice in these areas. It also enables them to develop strong, supportive, and collaborative relationships with their management peers throughout the organization.
60% of new managers fail in the first two years. Don’t let that happen to your managers. Contact Deborah Laurel.
#managementdevelopment #managementskills #thepeerlearninginstitute