Time for a Time Out
The pandemic has caused a lot of stress, worry, and uncertainty that is now being magnified by the delta strain. There have also been furloughs and layoffs, reassignments of duties, illnesses, fluctuating decisions about returning to the office, long office hours for some, and long days juggling work and home for others. For most, there hasn’t been time or occasion to socialize, relax, or learn without pressure.
Managers and employees need a time out where they can think out loud, have a confidential conversation, and feel part of a supportive group. A time dedicated to focusing on their needs, learning together, and collaborating on finding solutions to real problems.
A Perfect Time for Learning
This is a perfect time to set up peer learning groups.
Your managers and employees are stressed? Create 5-person groups of peers at the same level in the organization. Allocate 90 minutes for them to meet virtually or face to face. Give them a meeting location or platform that allows them to speak freely and openly.
Provide a stress management module for them to discuss. They can share what hasn’t worked and learn more effective ways to minimize and handle their stress. Then encourage them to practice their new stress management behaviors for a month.
Monthly Practice and Support
During that month, ensure weekly support with microlearning and resource tips, connections with a peer buddy, and time to keep a brief log of what they did and what they learned.
Let them reconvene the next month for another 90-minute session, where they can share their experiences and hold each other accountable. The following month they can begin a new module, perhaps on managing change.
The Secret
Peer learning groups enable their members to take a time out in a safe learning environment every month. The members support each other every week as they each develop and practice their new skills to make their work and their lives easier. Peer learning groups are the secret to maintaining a learning organization in a pandemic.
Keep the learning alive and well. Contact Deborah Laurel of The Peer Learning Institute to discuss how to make that happen. Contact her here.
Question: Has learning been put on the back burner at your organization because of the pandemic?
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